Rhe Brewster Mysteries
What Readers Are Saying

Love for “Death in a Red Canvas Chair”
Rhe is funny, brave and smart and you’ll enjoy every moment of watching her take on the bad guys (and sometimes the powers-that-be). Try this book, it’s a damn good read and I, for one, am looking forward to the next one.

Book Club Mom recommends “Death in a Mudflat”
Themes about love, friendship, helping others and justice over the bad guys make Death in a Mudflat and the whole series great reads and I recommend these stories to mystery readers who like a good puzzle as - well as others who enjoy reading about modern life in a small town.

Love for “Death by Pumpkin”
…I liked the way this is written - there's a good balance of plot and Rhe's own story (including a frustratingly tangled love life), so that the novel is about her as much as about the solving of the murder (and, indeed, made me want to know more about her past - this is the way to write a series, giving you just enough detail to make you want to read the others!)
Praise for “Death in a Dacron Sail”
This crime mystery is well woven by fully realized characters and a plot line that has almost as many twists and turns as the stitching on a Dacron sail.

Couldn’t put “Death in a Red Canvas Chair” down!
…Death in a Red Canvas Chair is a fun read. The quaint little town of Pequod, Maine, is a hotbed of iniquity – they’ve got co-eds behaving badly, gangsters lurking in the shadows, and dead bodies turning up on soccer fields. I could not put the book down.

Review for “Death by Pumpkin”
Yet another cracker from the pen of Noelle Granger! Rhe Brewster is fast becoming one of my most favourite protagonists and the cases she solves get better each time. There is the perfect balance of mystery and heartbreak, but with smatterings of wry humour that make sure things never get too angsty, I can heartily recommend all the Rhe Brewster Mysteries and very much look forward to the next installment.

Praise for “Death in a Mudflat”
Death in a Mudflat is a hugely enjoyable, fast-paced mystery with excellent attention to forensic and scientific detail.